Hi Phizzy,
Thank you for your thoughts. During the past few months I created a photobook of my late wife's life and then I created a DVD from it. Most important for my grandchildren and for theirs.
I have resumed by research into Second Temple Judaism. I am collecting material and for the past couple of days I created a PowerPoint file storyboard to help me structure my Study.
I am toying with the idea of making my Storyboard available in case people can help me.
I would like to add a comment that the Watchtower's attitude to remake "truth" and to its propensity to remake history -- this is common for any organisation that plays with people's minds, whether political or any other religious body.
The texts of the scriptures have been subjected to changes from the every moment each was created. The texts have always been fluid.
The Canons are not uniform. Just look at the canons of the Tanakh, Orthodox Churches, and of the Roman Catholics. Only the latter has ever voted on which books should make up their Bible. Martin Luther wanted to throw out several books from the Bible. Apostle Paul was not responsible for half the letters ascribed to him.
Sure the WTS is loose with "truth", but they are in good company.
All I can say is: break free.